Genealogie Musolf
Die Vorfahren der Familie Musolf aus Westpreußen, Deutschland und Russland
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# | Notizen | Verknüpft mit |
1 | In the 1920 census, Oscar Henry Hoehne (Bertha's husband), is listed as single (not a widower.) Ina Maude Caniff Dohm is living in the same house. She is listed as divorced and working as the housekeeper. Also in the household are Caroline Hoehne, age 10, Harold Hoehne (later known as Jack Albert Curtis), age 8, and Fern Dohm, age 1. When I look up Fern Dohm in Ancestry, it says her father was Oscar Hoehne. I do not know if Fern's father was Ina Dohm's first husband and they divorced before or shortly after Fern's birth. And then when Oscar Hoehne and Ina Caniff Dohm married, Oscar could have adopted her. OR Fern could have been Oscar's biological daughter. Which means that Ina was more than just the housekeeper!!! I can not tell from the records. Oscar Hoehne is buried in St. Paul, at Oakland Cemetery. (Oakland Cemetery is the oldest cemetery in St, Paul and Minneapolis. My mother grew up 4 blocks from that cemetery.) His second wife Ina obviously decided not to send his body down to Steele County to be buried by his first wife. It is possible that Oscar did not want to be buried in Steele County and had told Ina that. We will never know. I can not tell you why Harold Hoehne changed his name to Jack Albert Curtis. He does not appear to be a famous person. On the 1940 census, he is living in Texas with his wife and his in-laws. He is working as a "Roughneck" on the oil rigs that are drilling for oil. This is a dangerous and very physical job. His name on the census is Jack Albert Curtis as it is on his WWII registration. On his death certificate, his father is listed as Oscar Curtis (not Hoehne.) Is it possible that his wife never know that Jack (Oscar) changed his name? I was not able to tell from the records. | Hoehne, Oscar Henry (I398)
2 | "Wohnte auf Kirchengrund und hatte die (1) Kirchenhufe inne" Panske, Paul; Personenachweis für die Koschnaewjerdörfer von 1651-1702; Seite 33 | Bünger, Eva (I1004)
3 | * Arlington Township, Minnesota | Mathwig, Leonard (XI117)
4 | * Arlington Twp. Sibley Co. Minnesota | Mathwig, William George (I467)
5 | * in Spokane? oo 18J. single from Spokane | Clow, Marion Louise "Babe" (XI274)
6 | + 1 1/2 J. Pocken | Senske, Dorothea Elisabeth (I43)
7 | + 1 1/2 J. unbestimmt | Nitz, Michael (I358)
8 | + 10M. 25Tg. Röteln Tischlertochter | Senske, Justine (XI145)
9 | + 11M. Masern | Senske, Michael Daniel (I39)
10 | + 11Tg. | Senske, Euphrosina (I28)
11 | + 14Tg. Epilepsie | Rux, Euphrosine (I376)
12 | + 15J. Auszehrung, Tochter des Schäfers Michael S. | Senske, Anna Maria (I65)
13 | + 16J. 6M. Windpocken | Winter, Elisabeth (I378)
14 | + 19M. | Senske, Rudolph Ferdinand Christoph (XI91)
15 | + 1J. 3M. | Senske, August Julius (I37)
16 | + 1J. 3M. Masern | Senske, Johann Daniel (I140)
17 | + 1J. 6M. | Ziesmer, Albert (I192)
18 | + 1J. 7M. 12Tg. Geschwulst | Hass, Wilhelm August (I161)
19 | + 1J. 7M. 18Tg. Abzehrung | Senske, Carl Richard (XI155)
20 | + 1J. Auszehrung, Hi.: Eltern | Senske, Paul (I357)
21 | + 21J. 7M. 15Tg., Hi.: Vater Michael verst., Mutter Elisabeth Barbeknecht jetzt verehel. Hass | Senske, Paul (XI38)
22 | + 2J 5M. Krämpfe | Ziesmer, Michael (I190)
23 | + 2J. | Rottke, Justine Auguste (I547)
24 | + 2J. 9M. 11Tg. Wassersucht | Hass, Johann Wilhelm (XI160)
25 | + 2M. 10Tg. Husten | Senske, Rose Wilhelmine Caroline (XI143)
26 | + 3 1/2 J. Scharlach | Senske, Eva Rosine (I67)
27 | + 3/4 J. | Teske, Jacob (I375)
28 | + 30J. Grippe, Ehefrau des Johann Blessin, Hi.: Ehemann und 1 Kind | Moews, Anna /Mewes/Mews (I130)
29 | + 3J. 10M. Geschwulst, Anz.: Mutter | Frank, Wilhelmine (I200)
30 | + 3J. 8M. Masern | Senske, Wilhelmine (XI141)
31 | + 3M. 23Tg. Krämpfe | Senske, Auguste Wilhelmine (XI20)
32 | + 4 Wo. | Zils (Züls), Dorothea Elisabeth (I228)
33 | + 4J. 21Tg. Röteln | Rux, Christoph (I327)
34 | + 4M. 15Tg. Krämpfe | Ziesmer, Luise Wilhelmine (I478)
35 | + 55J. Auszehrung, Hi.: 6 min. Kinder | Bloch, Johann (XI212)
36 | + 56J. Auszehrung, Frau des Hirten Paul S. | ..., Dorothea (I374)
37 | + 56J. hitzige Krankheit | Senske, Paul (I373)
38 | + 5J. Epilepsie, Tochter des Schäfers Michael S. aus Neuhof | Senske, Eva Rosina (XI64)
39 | + 6 Wo. Husten, Sohn des Einliegers Daniel Zils | Zils, Michael (I342)
40 | + 60J. | Kojuske, Dorothea Elisabeth (I230)
41 | + 70J. Auszehrung, Hi.: Ehefrau und 6 Kinder Paul, Daniel, Anna Elisabeth, Martin, Peter, Louise. Die 3 letzten minorem | Zils, Daniel (I336)
42 | + 74J. Schwäche, Witwe des Schäfers Michael Senske, Hi.: Kinder Marie Elisabeth, Christine, Catharina, Daniel, Susanne, maj. | Tesmer (Tesmerin), Catharina (XI63)
43 | + 80J. | Senske, Michael (I62)
44 | + 8M. | Rottke, Anna Elisabeth (I565)
45 | + 8M. Zähne | Senske, Rose Louise (XI81)
46 | + 8Tg. | Senske, Michael (I351)
47 | + 9J. 10 1/2 M. Fieber | Blessin, Christoph (I380)
48 | + Anz.: der Neffe Friedrich Becker | Senske, Carl Richard (XI233)
49 | + Charité | Schulz, Friedrich Wilhelm (I87)
50 | + Grippe | Ludtke, Bertha E. (I397)